A Diverse Training Company helping the Nation to Speak Out
While they lead and set their own paths
to success

Dont wait till it's to late, get this unique training today, the change will be revolutionary



The challenge

Organizations across South Africa are increasingly realizing that their competitive edge above the rest lies not only in their products and services, but also in their prime asset, their people or Human Capital.


Whatever the industry, organizations are competing for scarce resources in the form of critical skills needed to assist with the achievement of their goals. The challenge lies in not only securing the right talent and skills but also in honing, expanding and productively employing these skills.


There is also the challenge of increasing costs of electricity, petrol and other resources. One way to deal with it is to support employees to develop their continuous business improvement and innovation skills.


S.P.O is geared to assist you to meet this challenge.

We will help set the foot path so that your voice may be heard.

S P O is a:


A training company based in Cape Town that has individuals that is passionate about contributing to real transformation and empowerment for and in the Nations context.


The members are all people with extensive and diverse skills in the development of people, OBE and organisational development.


S.P.O has a panel of associates with additional expertise who we involve in projects according to the needs of our clients. 

Why choose S.P.O as a service provider?

Our team has a great amount of extensive experiential training, facilitation and organizational development competencies and experience.


  • We have a can-do attitude and customize all our products and services to meet the unique needs of our clients


  • S.P.O is accredited through MAPP SETA.


  • We work with an excellent team of associates that are able to customize and innovate products and services that can meet your every need.



  • We specialize in cutting-edge, knowledge worker/conceptual age training and organizational development.
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