Today’s research shows that public speaking is the world’s Third biggest phobia. Many people do not know this.

We’ve discovered that there is a need for public speaking. Many people facilitate and train or give presentation but they are unable to reach their full potential as their nerves take over and they do not know the correct way to control that and make their delivery perfect. Well with this course we can correct all of that and enhance everything involving a speech and presenting. We will help bring out the public speaker in YOU!!!!

Course outcomes


• To develop the confidence to feel at ease, when speaking in presentations or small groups such as meetings.

• To practice developing these skills in a safe and supportive setting


  • Expressing and communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings using techniques, elements, principles and the vocabulary of their chosen presentation forms.
  •  Preparing the body as an instrument of expression taking into account principles of safe practice.
  • Using instruments, objects or technologies specific to the chosen presentation form for communication and expression.
  • Adhering to human rights and responsibilities in relation to presentation conventions and protocols. 


A 2day Life Skills Course focusing on inspiring, equipping and empowering people to implement and uphold the principles which will ensure that they are well able to deliver any kind of public speech or presentation with maximum success.

Unit standard US 114547 level 4 Credits 20 but assessment is optional, We are pleased to announce that this is the highest accredited Public Speaking Course in South Africa


Defining and motivating Successful Public Speaking.

Discovering and learning how to implement the Major Successful Public Speaking Principles.

Practical Public Speaking training that includes the following:

·        Presenting a 15 min. Presentation.

·        A professional talk evaluation and critique.

·        Body enhancement techniques while presenting

·        Vocal training



Learning Objectives

• To develop the confidence to feel at ease, when speaking in presentations or small groups such as meetings.
• To practice developing these skills in a safe and supportive setting

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